Gwynedd Council - Fault Is With Officers Not The Safeguarding Policies - Neil Foden.
The new chair of the governors is councillor Dafydd Meurig. Other members appointed by the council are Elin Walker Jones, Gareth Mark Parry, John Wyn Williams and R Medwyn Hughes...
Ten months after the arrest of Neil Foden, parents and governors still have little confidence in cyngor Gwynedd council to stop any future abuse.
At last weeks Education and Economy Committee, the representative for Arfon's parents and governors expressed her concerns and asked for an 'interactive infographic' to be made to ensure that everyone knew how to report abuse.
But the safeguarding procedures are well known - it is written on the back of many staff key cards. The policies have not failed rather the officers whose job it is to ensure childrens safety have failed...
It is a concern that the governor's rep has little confidence that things have improved. She may be aware of the new governing body that has been appointed at Ysgol Friars and one wonders if she has confidence in them also.
The new chair of the governors is councillor Dafydd Meurig. Other members appointed by the council are Elin Walker Jones, Gareth Mark Parry, John Wyn Williams and R Medwyn Hughes -
Councillor Medwyn Hughes sat on the previous board and his re-appointment does not inspire confidence. Nor does the appointment of Elin Walker Jones, the present cabinet member for children, who has remained silent on the SS department's revelation earlier this year of historic complaints from 2013/14 concerning the Arfon social workers team.
Dafydd Meurig, was the deputy leader of the council and also cabinet member for the Adult SS department when they were being hauled over the coals by the Ombudsman for Wales for maladministration and bad behaviour towards the disabled under the last administration. One case featured in the PSOW's human rights casebook - it was that bad.
This case should have come before full council and a review undertaken of the social worker(s), their manager and the care home involved.
Meurig did not present it to full council...
In February, 2021, a banner was attached to the railings outside Morrisons supermarket in Caernarfon. It was swiftly removed by the council.
The public outrage prompted the Plaid MS for Arfon, Siân Gwenllian, to ask questions of the council.
Over a year later, there had been no update from Gwynedd council nor the MS...
Local elections were held and Plaid Cymru increased their majority. After the election, the leader of the council shuffled his Cabinet and Dafydd Meurig was replaced by Dilwyn Morgan, who was the former Cabinet member for children and families.
Morgan's tenure was also overshadowed by controversy. The PSOW finding maladministration and bad behaviour by his department also. A reminder that Dilwyn Morgan refused to answer questions of the Care Scrutiny Committee after one 'damning' PSOW investigation. It is also claimed that Morgan failed to take action against the senior safeguarding officer after allegations he misled councillors and the public.
In the reshuffle, Dafydd Meurig became Cabinet member for the Enviroment.
In September, 2023, the MS for Arfon was sent an email asking for an update on the vehicle misuse and mentions Gwynedd social workers using the cars for 'extra curricular activity'.
Her office replied that Ms Gwenllian only asked about the Waste and Recycling department and passed on a message that she had received from Dafydd Meurig -
A letter and email was sent to officers who had the right to take vehicles home as part of their working terms, on 29/03/2023. The letter stated that the consultation period has ended and that no officer from the Waste and Recycling service is now exempt from the new policy - 'Use of Council vehicles for commuting'. In accordance with the procedure, a period of notice must be given to staff and the period of 90 days has started on 31/03/2023 and ends on 29/06/2023. So by the end of June the exercise of using the council's vehicle for journeys between home and work will come to an end.
At the time of the protest, there was a perception that some officers of all departments considered the vehicles their personal property to do with as they pleased - including using them for trysts away from the office. So it is surprising that the focus was on one department only.
Perhaps Aled Gibbard, the former senior operational manager and now head of resources, should have dealt with the matter. He would have far more knowledge of the affair than any councillor. For how long has it been considered normal practice that officers use these vehicles (and the fuel) to commute between home and work? All staff or just senior officers?
Dafydd Meurig did not bring this case to full council, either...
To outsiders, the perception is that many senior managers within the council and schools are incompetent and that a toxic culture of cover up has allowed many to get away with actions and behaviours that would not be tolerated in the private sector. The attitude of many senior councillors only adds to this perception...
In other news, it is reported that cyngor Gwynedd have suspended two staff members at a school. A spokesperson said -
We can confirm that two members of school staff in Gwynedd have been suspended from their posts and that the council is conducting internal investigations.
The school has not been named but it is reported that the council are conducting an internal investigation. There is no trust in those undertaking Gwynedd council's internal investigations and in light of Neil Foden it may be more appropriate for councillors to insist that officers of another LA to be tasked with investigating the matter.
Something is so very wrong within Gwynedd council...